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黄ロクボウセイ 楽天ぶろぐ
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ぽえむ - 英語語ポエム -
My Little Prince The Light The Wind Turning Point Labyrinth
White Thing Cicada The Spring Shadow Ducks
My Little Prince
Meeting a new roommate
How excited I was
I call back that day
When you came to me
Trusting each other
Share our soul
Living with an animal
How helpful you were
I recall that moment
When I was in depressed
Believe my potentiality
Rise mu spririt
Seeing you overcome your strength
How uncomfortable you seemed
I knew that miniute
When you looked at me
Ending your destiny
Losing your battle
Thinking you play with friends
How happy you are
I know now
When you passed away
Showing your toughness
I will my way
The Light
There is a light, shaft into mu soul, comes into my place
It fings pleasure in my soul
Which reflects its beauty as a lake
It promises remarkable things
That I may accept
It sings a song as a bird
The song takes me into its world
Where there is no competition
There is a light, shaft into my soul, comes into my road
It encourages me against the darkness
That I may avoid
It feels my soul
That tells its value as a fortuneteller
The plays a dance as a clockwork toy
The dance attracts me into it place
Where there is no fear
There is a light, shaft into my soul, comes into my soul
Its fixes my direction
Thatt I may notice
It knows my soul
That I may endure
It shows me magic as a miracle
The miracle brings me into its world
Where there is no death
The Wind
There is a wind, which walks itself on the ground
Walking on the field with meeting its friends
Walking on the earth satisfies its existence
There is a wind, which blows itself on the sky
Taking a thing it wants to have
Taking a phrase that way express its heart
There is a wind, which shows itself into the water
Looking on the lake gives it to an idea of way
Looking on the sea shows its beauty
Turning Point
How long have I been standing at this point?
Looking for my dreams?
Looking for my memories?
When I realized what I was doing
I was on the airplane
I was in the adventure
When I felt alone
Remembered my family
Remembered my friends
How long have I been standing at this point?
Seeking for my road?
Seeking for my future?
When I realized what I was doing
I was walking on my way
I was in an America
When I felt alone
Remembered my heart
Remembered my moment
When I smell the forest
There is a pond in my labyrinth
When the pond begins sparkle
The universe whispers to the moonlight
Just after the day went asleep in its dream
When I lost my precious memory
There is mirror reflects its value
When the spectrum display my past
The magic guides to my dreams
Since I lost my heart
When I regain my confidence
There is a railroad leads my life
When I reach my one goal
The miracle escorts in the forest
Inspiration that motivates my hope
White Thing
There is a thing,
It seems as clear as a crystal,
It comes from the sky
Staying on the yard as quiet as a tree
Walking on the street like a skating on the ice
There is a rabbit,
It seems furry as a rabbit,
It comes into the Eearth
Moving on the ground as wild as an animal
Covering trees like wearing a warm coat
There is a thing,
It seems small as a drop
It comes from the sky
Running on the sky as fast as wind
Flying on the forest likea butterfly
There is a thing,
It seems light as a paper
It comes into the Earth
Falling on the land as smooth as an airplane
Flowing on the air like a falling leave
When I closed my eyes,
I heard a cicada chirp
When I close my eyes,
I image people lying on the street
very summer it whispers me
Every day it sings a lullaby
It relieve a fact,
Until its life comes to the end
Each summer it reminds me
Each day it sings a reclaim
It informs a tragedy
How people undured their sorrow
I heard a cicada whispers
It sings every summer and reminds me not to forget
At that day we lost lives,
When our hearts comes together in peace
The Spring
I saw a sign
When the spring has arrived
There are ducks lying on the ground
When ducks are taking sun baths
They refer to a nurse their baby
When the Sun reaches the arm
It sets up comfort grasses
Grasses ensnare ducks to have daydreams
There is a shadow behind me
Seeking love from the human heart
Hiding itself life a dark cloud
Taking warmth away from the human soul
Expanding itself like a black hole
There are ducks lying on the ground
Sitting on the ground as taking sun bath
Shining sun set them for comfortable bedding
Having comfortable bedding make them asleep
Seeing ducks sleeping on campus
There is a sign for a spring has come

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Child Plant

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